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May 28 2015 4 28 /05 /May /2015 04:13

Tiffany Girl by Deeanne Gist is published by Howard books and is a stand-alone novel, set to be released in May of 2015. Personally, I liked several of Mrs. Gist's older works better, because they seemed sweeter and the characters more quaint and charming. Her more recent books have still been good, in my opinion, but more tedious and the characters less attracting. Tiffany Girl, unfortunately, followed this pattern for me. Flossie Jane is an independent woman, looking to work her own job outside of her mother's business. Flossie's father disapproves, so Flossie moves out to a boardinghouse, unmarried (a no-no in her day), and applies for an artistic job with stained glass. When Louis Tiffany's workers go on strike, he and his company end up hiring women.

Reeve Wilder is a little peeved at his new next door neighbor in the boardinghouse, because the walls are thin, and he can hear everything she and her roommate talk about. Eventually though, her optimistic personality and desire to unite the boarders in mealtime fellowship attracts him to her.

I didn't care for this book. I've enjoyed other books by Deeanne Gist, but this one didn't click with me. Flossie's semi-rebellious personality and desire to go against her father's will did not endear her to me, or make me want to read about her for 500+ pages. As for Reeve, I can't even remember anything about him. What did he do? What was special about him? Where was he from? Nothing makes him stick in my mind, except that he had some chemistry with Flossie.

Thank you to Net Galley and Howard publishers for providing me with an electronic copy of this book to read and review.

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