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July 30 2016 6 30 /07 /July /2016 19:03


    A Heart Most Certain by Melissa Jagears is in the Teaville Moral Society series and is published by Bethany House.  I've enjoyed previous books by this author because of her sense of humor, so I was looking forward to this book.


     I have mixed reactions to this book.  For one, the hero greatly challenged and encouraged the heroine in her faith and acts of service, which is something that I personally think makes a hero attractive.  However, I've read other books with similar plots--two people unfriendly towards each other, need to help each other out for common and mutual benefit, fall in love--but with those other books, the dialogue between the hero and heroine was much more witty and fun to read.  Thus, the hero of this book seemed more dull and empty.  So on one hand, he sharpened and refined the heroine's strengths, but on the other hand, he wasn't very interesting--and I personally believe that he had the potential to be both.  


     I still flew through reading this book, but it was slightly tedious in parts because there was no dialogue that kept me entertained while still promoting the message.  All in all, I think that this book did have a good message and was thought provoking, and I would recommend it.


     Thank you so much to Net Galley and Bethany House publishers for providing me with an electronic copy of this book to read and review.  All opinions are my own and were not required to be positive.

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