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December 31 2014 3 31 /12 /December /2014 00:20

Product Details1. "Rebellious Heart" by Jody Hedlund.  This was the first book that I had read by this author, but the drama, characters, and setting of the turmoil around the American Revolution was superb; it was an especially sweet surprise to read in the back of the book that the main characters were based off of John and Abigail Adams.



Product Details2. "As You Wish" by Cary Elwes.  As a die-hard fan of the movie "The Princess Bride", this invaluable inside look into the making of the movie was awesome! I got this book on audio, and it was narrated by Cary Elwes himself.  I cannot think of many better things to do than listen to his British accent tell tales about "The Princess Bride"!


Product Details 3. "Meant to Be Mine" by Becky Wade.  I loved this sequel to "Undeniably Yours"! The characters were so loveable and this was a fun read. 


Product Details4. "Dare to Love Again" by Julie Lessman.  This was another fun sequel, and I look forward to the third in the trilogy. 


Product Details 5. "Anne of Avonlea" by Lucy Maud Montgomery.  I love Anne! This was just as good as the first book of the series.


Product Details 6. "The Book Thief" by Marcus Zusak.  I think the book was better than the movie in this case, but the movie did a great job considering all the material to cover.  This was a very powerful book, and I loved its characters.


Product Details 7. "Dancing with Fireflies" by Denise Hunter.  This book had a different plot than "usual", but I absolutely loved its themes of redemption and unconditional love. 


Product Details8. "Full Steam Ahead" by Karen Witemeyer.  This book as well has charming characters, and beautiful messages.  Another winner from Karen Witemeyer!


Product Details9. "Beyond All Dreams" by Elizabeth Camden.  Elizabeth Camden is one of my very top favorite authors, which you may know if you've been following me for a while.  Thus, you may wonder why her books are at the bottom of this list.  Mainly, I did not get as attached to her characters in her most recent books as I did her first books.  These books were still good though, as evidenced by having two from the same author on my "Top 10" list. :)


Product Details10. "With Every Breath" by Elizabeth Camden.  This was another book from 2014 that had a unique plot, but I could tell that it was very well researched, and I appreciate that. Camden does a wonderful job of bringing clarity to the historial aspects of her stories without boring the readers. 

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