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August 8 2012 4 08 /08 /August /2012 01:56

"Starring Me" is written by Krista McGee and published by Thomas Nelson. It was released on July 10, 2012. This is the sequel to "First Date", also written by Krista McGee, which came out on January 10, 2012

Kara McCormick is a fiery red head looking for adventure as an actress. She auditions for a show that's auditions are going to be held in Florida. She lives in New York, but really wants to go. Then, another opportunity pops up in New York and she is stuck. She decides to choose the one in Florida, and visits her friend Addy (who we met in "First Date") since her family is unable to come along.

Chad Beacon is a famous singer after winning the show that he was on. His parents and he are devout Christians looking for a Christian girl to be Chad's co-star on his next show. Chad and Jonathan are friends, and Jonathan is kind of dating Addy, who is friends with Kara, and all four of them end up hanging out with each other one day. After that, Chad cannot get Kara off his mind and Kara cannot get Chad off hers.

Kara is not a Christian, but is surrounded by several people who say they are as she auditions for this new show. Several girls are living together for a few months with an interesting housemother until the auditions are over. They are auditioning to try to get on this show with a mysterious co-star.

Chad and his family hire their good friend Flora as a housemother/spy of sorts to check out the girls auditioning to be Chad's co-star. Things get interesting when you realize those two shows are one and the same!

This was an excellent, funny, light-hearted but with a good message that was loosely based off the story of Rebekah and Isaac in the Bible.

Thank you so much to Thomas Nelson and Book Sneeze for letting me read and review this book!

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