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November 9 2012 5 09 /11 /November /2012 22:07


One thing I know for sure about this book: its title/cover caught my eye! This is the third book in the "Confessions of April Grace" series by K.D. McCrite, and I must say that I'm a BIG fan. This series is published by Thomas Nelson publishers and is absolutely great for tween and teenage girls. It is a quirky, lively, yet kind of down-to-earth series told in first person by the main character, April Grace.

April Grace is a tweenage girl living in the countryside in the seventies. She has all sorts of interesting problems: her annoying older sister Myra Sue, her grandmother and her several different on-and-off boyfriends, her wacky neighbors, etc. April's flat-out honestly blunt perspective is funny to read, and I certainly enjoy these books.

With April Grace's snooty neighbor Isabel becoming April's gym teacher, Myra Sure sneaking around, and April's grandmother's trouble with boyfriends, April has had enough change to last for a while. I enjoyed this book and this series because April goes through things that girls today go through and does so with a lighthearted yet outrageously funny attitude.

Thank you so much to Book Sneeze and Thomas Nelson publishers for letting me read and review this book.

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