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February 13 2013 3 13 /02 /February /2013 17:02


Product Details



Catch a Falling Star is written by Beth Vogt and published by Howard Books. Beth Vogt wrote one of my favorite books, "Wish You Were Here", so I had high expectations for this book.

And boy oh boy, did it ever measure up! This is a sweet romance book that has some unexpected mystery in it. Dr. Kendall Haynes is family doctor in her thirties, unmarried, and still holding out for "Mr. Right". She does not think that she will get married, judging by how all her fellow girlfriends are engaged or already married, as well as her own younger sister, who is engaged. However, Kendall keeps a smile on her face and devotes herself to helping kids with asthma and allergies.

Griffin Walker is an ex-pilot in the Air Force, due to a case of vertigo that he can't rid himself of. When his parents die, they put him in charge of his adopted younger brother Ian, who is sixteen. Ian has severe allergies that Griffin does know about.

Heath Parker takes up an interest in Kendall, and is quite flattering to her. Kendall thinks she's finally found the man of her dreams. But after her dates with him, her heart fills her head with thoughts of another. Add to that the pressure that Kendall's sister is adding to her about wanting a family heirloom, and Kendall is a wreck. Who will her heart choose, and will it be God's will for her life?

Thank you so much to Net Galley and Howard publishers for letting me read and review this book. I have really enjoyed this author's works in the past, and this one was no different. I would totally recommend this!


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