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September 17 2015 4 17 /09 /September /2015 05:07

Product Details


     "Escape to Paradise Trilogy" by MaryLu Tyndall is a collection of three books, "Forsaken Dreams", "Elusive Hope", and "Abandoned Memories".  This was published by Shiloh Run Press on May 1st, 2015.

     I've previously reviewed two out of three of these books, so I'll just sum up the trilogy and collection in general.

     These stories are set directly after the Civil War, and follow the lives of several Confederates looking to escape their war-torn lives and go to start over in Brazil.  Things aren't all as they seem, however, when mysterious things begin to happen around camp, some realize that in addition to the unrest among the travellers, there is spiritual unrest among the ruins of an ancient temple nearby.  As the characters grow to love each other and overcome their differences, they must band together to fight the darkness trying to settle there as well.

     This collection, in its print form, I found to have really thin pages, which I was afraid would tear.  Obviously, if one gets the electronic version, this would not be an issue. 

     Thank you so much to the author for providing me with a copy of this book to read and review.  All opinions are my own and were not required to be positive.


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